台灣設計精神 香港珠寶雜誌

台灣設計精神 香港珠寶雜誌


Every work is a touching story, jewelry designer Lin Shiao Tung believes that "Each of my works means something meaningful." He firmly believes that he gives his brand a powerful DNA whre he amphasizes on storytelling the re-connection of jade of modern Chinese culture after winning several patents and design adwards. One of the jade deisgn series "Eric Jade Bear Series, ” burst out his inspriration at one night when he saw the toy bear of his then one year old daughter after she went abroad for her study, the works are the angel that he wishes to gurad and accompany his duaghter. The interaction between people is another important issue that Lin cherishes, his clients spread from Milklennials to 86 year old Du Mei-Ru, the daughter of Shanghai mob boss Du Yuesheng. As he spends the overseas market since 2016, he opens his Hong Kong and Suzou stores with the Eslite Group.