我們以 DDU (未完稅交貨) 方式將商品配送到您的指定地址, 因此網站所示均為稅前價格。若領取包裹時貴國欲收取商品之關稅, 訂購人需自行負擔所有增埴稅和關稅費用。各國實際進口關稅標準不同,請向當地海關聯繫查詢詳情。
海外地區主要採用 FEDEX EXPRESS 服務,商品寄出後將提供訂單編號供即時查詢,但無法保證實際配達時間。
- 若您拒絕收貨或未能支付任何進口費用,須負責支付原始運費、包裹產生的任何進口費用以及將包裹退回總公司之費用。退款金額將扣除實際產生之來回運費及兩地關稅後,再退回原訂單餘額。
- 收件資訊若不全導致退件,須支付重新配送費用。
Delivery FAQs
Taiwan and the outlying islands delivery
We adopt S.F. Express service and offer the free shipping for the delivery within the main island of Taiwan as well as the outlying islands. After your purchase, we will provide the order number for you to instantly track the delivery progress.
International delivery
Do you deliver internationally?
Yes, we offer worldwide shipping.
Will I have to pay import taxes and duties?
International shipping charges do not include taxes or duties. Local duties and taxes are the responsibility of the purchaser and are not applied at checkout. We recommend that you contact your local customs office to request the details of these charges.
How long will my order take to arrive?
The actual delivery time will depend on customs and carrier in different countries, which could not be guaranteed. After your purchase, we will provide the order number for you to instantly track the delivery progress.
Things to note when ordering from overseas
- If you refuse to accept the shipment or fail to pay any import fees, you are responsible for paying the original shipping fee, any import fees incurred on the package, and the cost of returning the package to the head office. The refund amount will deduct the actual return shipping fee and customs duties between two places, and then the rest of the original order will be refunded.
- If the shipment is returned due to incomplete receiving information provided, a re-delivery fee will be charged.